Independent Audit: This covers the process of creating opinions and giving a reasonable guarantee through auditing the accuracy of a company’s financial statements and reports and auditing their conformity with the standards set by the regulatory authority.
Independent Limited Examination: Covers the process of giving a limited guarantee through conducting analytical and other examination techniques and collecting information from those responsible for the financial reporting process.
Our independent audit services offered within this scope:
- IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
- TFRS Turkish Financial Reporting Standards
- VUK Tax Procedure Law and Uniform Chart of Accounts Plan
- US GAAP Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (United States)
- German GAAP
- Swiss GAAP Fer Swiss Accounting Standards
- Independent Audit According to the Turkish Commercial Code
- Independent Audit for Companies Subject to Energy Market Regulatory Authority
- Independent Audit for Insurance Companies
- Private Independent Audit
- Compliance Audit: Delivering opinions on the level of compliance of a company’s activities or procedures with certain laws and related legislative arrangements.
- Audit of Procedures on which an Agreement is Reached in Advance:Covers the process where an auditor, within the scope of a recognizance for the procedure, carries out the audit procedures agreed by client companies and related third parties and reports the actual findings without giving a guarantee.
- Operational Audit:An operational audit is more comprehensive than a financial statement auditorcompliance audit. As a whole, the operational audit concerns the success of a business’ management, business policies stated by the management, and all activities, work, and procedures that can negatively or positively affect the efficiency of the company’s activities, as well as work and procedure processes, and all decisions made in this sense. Thus, an operational audit is more difficult and comprehensive. The goal of an operational audit is to detect if the standards set by the business management are reached or not.
- Internal Audit:An internal audit is an independent and objective guarantee and a consultancy activity that pursues the goal of developing a company’s activities and addingvalue to them. Internal audits bring a systematic and disciplined approach toevaluating the efficiency of a company’s risk management, control, and corporate management processes and to developing them, helping companies to reach their goals. According to international internal audit standards, internal audit activities must be independent and internal auditors must act objectively when performing their duties. An internal audit is accepted as one of the essential activities within companies and institutions when it comes to the reliability of financial reporting systems, compliance with laws and regulations, the economic structure of activities, as well as their efficiency and productivity, and the safety and reliability of information systems. The internal audit significantly contributes to bringing management accountability to companies and institutions. It has a preventive structure as a part of risk management. It improves the quality of corporate management and increases corporate value, providingassurance for shareholders and stakeholders.
- Fraud and Irregularity Audit: As companies grow in this global world, control weakens. This lack of control can cause a conscious and illegal decrease in company assets through employees acting in bad faith. Prevention of these crimes is very important to company investors, rights holders, and legal authorities.
It is highly important that independent and objective people with related knowledge and experience carry out the audit to see whether a company’s asset is decreasing due to the existence of an irregularity or not